
Showing posts from September, 2023

Father of Green revolution in India

Green revolution in India by 'M S. Swaminathan' 'M S. స్వామినాథన్' ద్వారా భారతదేశంలో హరిత విప్లవం .               Some inventions made India feel good in the space sector.. some other inventions led the country from food crisis to prosperity. 'M S. Swaminathan, who brought revolutionary changes in the country's agriculture sector, is known as the 'Father of Green Revolution' of India. Swaminathan, who raised the country's reputation in the field of agriculture with his research, passed away at the age of 98 at his home in Chennai on Thursday morning due to old age problems.                కొన్ని ఆవిష్కరణలు భారతన్ను అంతరిక్షరంగంలో భళా అనిపించేలా చేస్తే.. మరికొన్ని ఆవిష్కరణలు దేశాన్ని ఆహార సంక్షోభం నుంచి సమృద్ధి దిశగా నడిపించాయి. ఒకప్పుడు ఆహార ధాన్యాల కోసం ఇతర దేశాలపై ఆధారపడ్డ దేశాన్ని నేడు ఇతర దేశాలకు ఎగుమతి చేసే స్థాయికి చేర్చిన మహోన్నత వ్యక్తి 'M. S. స్వామినాథన్, దేశ వ్యవసాయ రంగంలో విప్లవాత్మక మార్పులు తీసుకొచ్చి.. భారతదేశ 'హరిత విప్లవ పితామ

"Solar Panels That Work Even in the Dark of Night"

"Unlock the Night: Solar Panels That Work 24/7 with Radiative Cooling" Mostly, the biggest problem with solar power is that the sun doesn’t always shine. If solar panels can’t produce power at night or when it’s cloudy, how can we depend on them as a round-the-clock source of electricity? Basically, conventional solar panels only work in daylight , so you need expensive battery storage to enable solar-produced power to be used at night. Now a team at Stanford University in the US has tested solar panels that keep generating electricity around the clock. So once we look at the working principle of a radiative cooling solar system, it combines solar energy collected during the day with radiative cooling at night to generate power continuously. Here's how it works: 1. **Solar Energy Harvesting (Daytime):**    - During daylight hours, traditional solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.    - These solar panels also absorb h

"Marine Biodiversity"

Marine Biodiversity Conservation: Sustaining Life Below the Surface మెరైన్ బయోడైవర్సిటీ కన్జర్వేషన్: సస్టైనింగ్ లైఫ్ బిలో ది సర్ఫేస్ Introduction : The Earth's oceans are a vast and complex ecosystem that supports a remarkable diversity of life. From the smallest plankton to the largest whales, marine biodiversity plays a crucial role in maintaining the planet's ecological balance and providing resources for human populations. However, this intricate web of life faces numerous threats, including overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. To ensure the continued health of our oceans and the well-being of future generations, marine biodiversity conservation is of paramount importance. పరిచయం : భూమి యొక్క మహాసముద్రాలు విస్తారమైన మరియు సంక్లిష్టమైన జీవావరణ వ్యవస్థ, ఇది అద్భుతమైన జీవన వైవిధ్యానికి మద్దతు ఇస్తుంది. చిన్న పాచి నుండి అతిపెద్ద తిమింగలాల వరకు, సముద్ర జీవవైవిధ్యం గ్రహం యొక్క పర్యావరణ సమతుల్యతను కాపాడుకోవడంలో మరియు మానవ జనాభాకు వనరులను అందించడంలో కీలక

"Life on Land"

Title: Life on Land: A Symphony of Diversity and Interdependence. టైటిల్: లైఫ్ ఆన్ ల్యాండ్: ఎ సింఫనీ ఆఫ్ డైవర్సిటీ అండ్ ఇంటర్ డిపెండెన్స్. Introduction : Life on land encompasses the astonishing breadth of ecosystems, species, and interactions that define our planet's terrestrial realms. From towering forests to arid deserts, from the microscopic world of soil bacteria to the grandeur of apex predators, the variety of life on land is both awe-inspiring and essential to the balance of our world. In this essay, we will explore the intricacies of life on land, highlighting its diversity, interdependence, and significance to human existence. పరిచయం : భూమిపై జీవితం మన గ్రహం యొక్క భూసంబంధమైన రాజ్యాలను నిర్వచించే పర్యావరణ వ్యవస్థలు, జాతులు మరియు పరస్పర చర్యల యొక్క ఆశ్చర్యపరిచే వెడల్పును కలిగి ఉంటుంది. ఎత్తైన అడవుల నుండి శుష్క ఎడారుల వరకు, మట్టి బ్యాక్టీరియా యొక్క సూక్ష్మ ప్రపంచం నుండి శిఖరాగ్ర మాంసాహారుల గొప్పతనం వరకు, భూమిపై వివిధ రకాల జీవులు మన ప్రపంచం యొక్క సమతుల్యతకు విస్మయం కలిగించేవ


"Samudrayaan"  This is 'MATSYA 6000' submersible under construction at National Institute of Ocean Technology at Chennai. India’s first manned Deep Ocean Mission ‘Samudrayaan’ plans to send 3 humans in 6-km ocean depth in a submersible, to study the deep sea resources and biodiversity assessment. The project will not disturb the ocean ecosystem. The Deep Ocean Mission supports the 'Blue Economy' vision of PM @ narendramodi ji, and envisages sustainable utilization of ocean resources for economic growth of the country, improve livelihoods and jobs, and preserve ocean ecosystem health. "సముద్రయాన్" ఇది చెన్నైలోని నేషనల్ ఇన్‌స్టిట్యూట్ ఆఫ్ ఓషన్ టెక్నాలజీలో నిర్మాణంలో ఉన్న 'మత్స్య 6000' సబ్‌మెర్సిబుల్. భారతదేశపు మొట్టమొదటి మానవ సహిత డీప్ ఓషన్ మిషన్ 'సముద్రయాన్' లోతైన సముద్ర వనరులు మరియు జీవవైవిధ్య అంచనాను అధ్యయనం చేయడానికి 6-కిమీ సముద్రపు లోతులో 3 మానవులను సబ్‌మెర్సిబుల్‌లో పంపాలని యోచిస్తోంది. ఈ ప్రాజెక్ట్ సముద్ర పర్యావరణ వ్యవస్థకు భంగం

Yoga for Good Health and Well-Being

Title: Yoga for Good Health and Well-Being in Today's World శీర్షిక: నేటి ప్రపంచంలో మంచి ఆరోగ్యం మరియు శ్రేయస్సు కోసం యోగా Introduction : In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of today, the quest for good health and well-being is a universal aspiration. As the demands of modern life increase, so do the physical and mental challenges people face. Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has emerged as a powerful tool in promoting and maintaining good health and well-being in our contemporary society. This essay explores the myriad ways in which yoga contributes to physical, mental, and emotional wellness and addresses specific problems it can help alleviate. పరిచయం : నేటి వేగవంతమైన మరియు నిరంతరం అభివృద్ధి చెందుతున్న ప్రపంచంలో, మంచి ఆరోగ్యం మరియు శ్రేయస్సు కోసం తపన అనేది విశ్వవ్యాప్త ఆకాంక్ష. ఆధునిక జీవితం యొక్క డిమాండ్లు పెరుగుతున్న కొద్దీ, ప్రజలు ఎదుర్కొంటున్న శారీరక మరియు మానసిక సవాళ్లు కూడా పెరుగుతున్నాయి. యోగా, భారతదేశంలో ఉద్భవించిన పురాతన అభ్యాసం, మన సమకాలీన సమాజంలో

Professional engineering

Engineering will be taught in regional languages across the country: Sri Venkayya Naidu garu. Is it useful to learn or teach subjects in regional languages? Every person can express his pain, pleasures, thoughts, etc. in his own mother tongue better than in other languages. So it's always better to be educated in that language itself. Every language has its own grammar, culture, and tradition in that particular region. If one knows one's own language and is educated in that language, one can be good at his own culture and traditions. then one can lead a better life in that region by being educated with good values. Values are inculcated better in one's own language than in others. If someone is educated in a regional language, it means they can read, write, and make sound decisions. They can help form good government in local body governance. If one has good local body governance, they can make available good education to children and healthcare services in that region. Do


What is nanotechnology? This subject deals with ultrafine particles of size in nanometers. One nanometer (nm) is equal to one billionth of a meter. In simple words, one nm is one hundredth of a croreth of a meter. In general, any particle shows its own properties in its normal size range. but when we cut down its size to nanometers, it exhibits different properties based on their molecular arrangements. Based on their properties, we classify them as useful or not to humans. Useful means in terms of manufacturing useful products, for example, creating plastic that conducts electricity, non-rusting iron glass solar panels, etc. Applications of nanotechnology: Cheaper in cost: In terms of cost, nanoproduct manufacturing is cheaper compared to traditional-sized products. As they are, they don't need square feet of area, a large human source for weight carrying, or bulk transport vehicles to transport. All these factors reflect the cost of production and services. Nanotubes are bein


Renewable energy solutions are becoming cheaper, more reliable, and more efficient every day. Our current reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable and harmful to the planet, which is why we have to change the way we produce and consume energy, Implementing these new energy solutions as fast as possible is essential to counter climate change, one of the biggest threats to our own survival. **AFFORDABLE ENERGY**: Affordable energy refers to energy sources and services that are accessible and reasonably priced for individuals, communities, and businesses, without causing financial hardship or significant economic burdens. Key aspects of affordable energy include: 1. **Cost-Effectiveness**:  Energy should be provided at a cost that is fair and competitive within the local or regional context. Affordable energy solutions aim to minimize energy expenses for consumers, whether they are individuals, households, or industries. 2. **Equitable Access**:  It's essential to ensure that all seg

Archimedes Wind Turbine Principles

Archimedes wind turbines, also known as the Archimedes Screw Wind Turbine, are a unique and innovative approach to harnessing wind energy.  The working principle behind these turbines is inspired by the ancient Archimedes screw, which was historically used for lifting water.  Here's how they work: 1. **Screw-Like Design**:  Archimedes wind turbines consist of a helical or spiral-shaped rotor, resembling a giant corkscrew. This design allows them to capture wind energy effectively from any direction. 2. **Aerodynamic Efficiency**:  The helical shape of the rotor blades gives the turbine its distinct advantage. As wind flows into the spiral, it accelerates, creating a pressure difference that drives the rotation of the turbine. This design enhances aerodynamic efficiency and makes Archimedes wind turbines less reliant on wind direction compared to traditional horizontal-axis or vertical-axis turbines. 3. **Vertical Axis Rotation**:  Unlike horizontal-axis wind turbines that have blad